China Defender

What are the acts that security guards should prohibit in their duties?

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Security guards shall not commit the following acts: (1) deprive or restrict the personal freedom of citizens; (2) search other people's bodies or seize other people's legal documents and reasonable financial affairs; (3) abuse, beat others or instigate others to beat others; (4) provide security services for others without permission; (5) obstruct state personnel from performing their duties according to law; (6) recover all kinds of debts for customers or resolve labor disputes; (7) Other acts in violation of laws, regulations and rules.

Security guards shall not commit any of the following acts:

(1) depriving or restricting the personal freedom of citizens;

(2) searching another person's body or seizing another person's legal documents or reasonable financial affairs;

(3) to abuse or beat others or to instigate the beating of others;

(4) Providing security services for others without permission;

(5) obstructing state personnel from performing their duties according to law;

(6) to recover all kinds of debts for customers or to resolve labor disputes;

(7) Other acts in violation of laws, regulations and rules.


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